Register for the 2023 challenge here



Frequently Asked Questions


What is the registration link for the 2023 Fire-Ed Up Challenge?

The link registers you for all webinars as they become available throughout the year.

Please register via this link


Does it cost anything?

No! Fire-Ed Up is funded by the NSW Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer, developed from Central Coast Council’s Award Winning program. Delivered by Hunter Innovation and Science Hub and managed by Sleap Business Consultants.


How much work do the students have to do?

It’s up to you! This STEM unit has been designed to be flexible and it is optional to be involved in any of the design aspects. However, we encourage everyone joining the challenge to consider this as a deep engagement opportunity for students that can be incorporated into weekly teaching & learning as your timetable permits.


Where can I find the scenarios?

You can download them here:


During the webinars, will there be breakout rooms with students?

No, due to the large number of schools & students involved, your students will be on this webpage watching the live stream.

This webinar will involve panellists discussing the challenge & posting questions that can be answered by your students using AhaSlides. Should your students have questions for the panellists, they can send them to you in your LMS or even via email. You can then raise these questions via the Q & A during the webinar. Please note, not all questions will be able to be answered live due to the number of schools & students involved.


Will the webinars be recorded?



When is the due date for poster & video submissions

24 November, 2023 at 11:59pm AEST


How long should the videos be that our students submit?

90 seconds maximum


How many videos should be sent per school

One per school.
Run your own in-school competition to select the best entry!


How do I submit an entry?

Video entry

Once your video is ready, either:

  1. Upload it to a video streaming site such as Youtube, Vimeo, or equivalent. Set it to private (so that the video can only be viewed by those who have a link) and email that link to us.


  1. Upload it to Dropbox, Google Drive or equivalent, set the access to anyone can view with the link and email that link to us.

Poster entry

Once your poster is ready, please upload the digital file to Dropbox, Google Drive or equivalent, set the access to anyone can view with the link and email that link to us.

IMPORTANT: Please do not send video or poster files as attachments to this email address. Large file attachments can get blocked by email servers and we may not receive your submission.

These links will only be shared with the judges to protect the privacy of your students. We recommend that you test the links with a separate private account before sending it through, in case there are any access issues that are common with schools and organisations with restrictive access.

Please also include the following information with your submission:

  • Name of school
  • School address
  • Name of student(s)
  • Grade level(s)

Email to support@fizzicseducation.com.au